ROAM 639 - a trail with a purpose
ROAM 639 aims to raise awareness of muscular dystrophy; to remind those of us who can enjoy physical exercise of how fortunate we are.
The name

The trail name ROAM 639 derives from the initials of Richard Overall, a local young man who died from muscular dystrophy and the shared initials of my friends two sons, Alfie and Arthur Marchant, who were also born with this condition. The number 639 represents the number of muscles that comprise the human body. It also indicates the distance of the loop (6.39miles, 10.28km).

The creation of ROAM 639 was made possible with the support of the National Trust, Action Duchenne and the Richard Overall Trust together with the goodwill of friends, family and like-minded people. Collectively I believe that we have shaken the grass (heather, ferns and branches) and created something special, a force for good.
And the days are not full enough
And the nights are not full enough
And life slips by like a field mouse
Not shaking the grass
Ezra Pound